Hear our Voices Stories

Welcome to our voices where we give space to voices rarely heard in health care. Voices of lived experience of migrants, refugees and people seeking asylum brings diverse and meaningful engagement and participation. A growing body of evidence shows that services designed in collaboration with those who use them are more effective.

The lived experience movement is a human rights movement. Empowerment and participation by people with lived experience is considered essential internationally to progress this human rights agenda (WHO, User empowerment in mental health: a statement by the WHO regional office for Europe, 2010)

WWG’s work is grounded on the principle that health is human right and we will continue to work to ensure that the lived experience of our clients, their concerns and ideas are heard and conveyed in all key areas where decisions are being made about health care funding and services to address the invisibility of our clients’ experiences and needs in policy, planning and decision making.


Want to Contribute?

There are many ways to be part of the solution. Contributing monetary gifts, expertise, social capital and time are just some of the ways you can be part of our work to create health equity in Australia. 

Work With Us.

Join our dynamic, multicultural and highly skilled team.  We are actively recruiting additional health practitioners due to the increasing demand for our services.

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