Health with Heart

By choosing us as your medical and well-being clinic, you are giving back to our community. Your consumer and healthcare choices do have a great social impact.

Social Injustice is killing people on a grand scale.

According to the World Health Organisation, ‘social injustice is killing people on a grand scale’.

This is particularly true for the poorest countries, but it is also true for rich countries like Australia where health and illness follows a social gradient: the lower the socioeconomic position, the lower the health status. WWG is committed to a human rights framework to address social injustice and health inequity for all with a particular focus on people from CALD backgrounds in Australia and economically and socially disadvantaged communities overseas, particularly those communities that have strong links and connections to Australia.


In Queensland the human rights legislation and framework are highly relevant to our work as they uphold everyone’s right to health services, information on health and wellbeing, access to services especially for vulnerable groups and protection from infectious and endemic diseases.  At present, the level of investment and policy responses to multicultural health are not in line with Section 37 of the Human Rights Act 2019.

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